Although not accurate, these decimals might give you a hint on where to start. Make sure to pay attention to the decimals you'll see in the left bottom corner of your DAW (applicamble for FL 12 only). Use the same way as in Method #1 to adjust the decimals.Tap until you see that the tempo data steadily remains the same. FL Studio has a built in tempo tapper for you to help find the BPM of a certain song Simply tap the box with the left mouse button on-rhythm with a song.Start playing the sample on a alternative media player, then switch back to FL and start following the melody tempo by clicking the gray box.I usually prefer using it only if the method #1 failed or left me somehow unsatisfied. Method #2Īnother way to find the tempo of a sample is by using the 'tempo tapper' feature. Although it's a studio song, it have a slightly irregular tempo, which finally forced me to use an automation clip in order to keep the tempo accurate. Note that some of the songs have a variable tempo.Īs an example I had a hard time trying ot figure out the exact tempo value of System Of a Down's song Aerials. Drag it up or down until you achieve a perfect alignment.